Monday, 31 October 2011

Feeling the love for Junkaholique

To say this blog is delicious is an understatement. I have loyally followed Artemis's adventures for a long time now and have not once been disappointed! Every single time I check in, her posts are overflowing with artsy, creative, colourful inspiration, her latest vintage finds and delectable photos of camping adventures with her husband, Nao. Together, they own and run RUST (amazing jewellery) as well as an online store, The Bucket Tree (definitely worth checking out if you like rare and interesting second-hand goodies!). Her life looks beyond magical and I have often found myself daydreaming about her gorgeous little shed! oh and her collection of vintage clothes makes me sigh with complete awe! So does her garden... eeep!!
Artemis is not only talented, crafty, clever and beautiful but refreshingly and delightfully real. What I like most about her and the way she blogs is how incredibly human she comes across. She is funny, quirky, kind, honest and really just someone you would quite like to sit down and chat to over Devonshire tea.
Below are just a smattering of photos from Junkaholique. Aren't they wonderful?!
Oh and if you find delight in unique weddings... look at the photos from theirs!!!

>>>Click on any of these pictures to be transported to the blog

I hope this made you smile :)
xx Jessie Lee

Book of the day: Chinese Kites

I am addicted to old books with beautiful pictures and this is one of my very favourites. These are just some of the simple yet gorgeous illustrations. I'd like to dedicate this week to some of my favourite bookish opshop/market finds! I hope you enjoy them xx  

Sunday, 30 October 2011

taking a closer look

'I want to leave traces of truth, traces of what it feels like, what can be told today. I want to read all I can, paint all I can, live all I can.'
-words by Sabrina Ward Harrison

artwork by Jessie Lee 

Bowerbird Bazaar... and meeting Kylie

Brekky with friends on a Saturday morning... nothing more luxurious. I lashed out and ordered pancakes. They were soft and warm and delicious. They looked so cute on the plate, I had to take a photo!
'The Store' in North Adelaide is a delightful place to be. I have only ever eaten dinner there, until this weekend. Breakfast proved to be just as yummy. The coffee is always great, it has a buzzing, vibrant atmosphere & the indoor plants make my green thumbs dance with glee! Check out their website here!

Even the bathroom is pretty!!! I felt a little silly but I couldn't resist taking a photo of the green flowers and s t u n n i n g wallpaper. Wouldn't you?! ;)

After a hearty brekky, it was off to the Bowerbird Bazaar. The fact that an arty design event like this exists in Adelaide makes my heart sing. IT IS AMAZING. If you have never been, please oh please make sure you go to the next one?! In the stunning surrounds of the Queens Theatre in Playhouse Lane (Currie Street), hundreds of incredible designers and artists display their work and goodies in a market-y fashion. It is an absolute smorgasboard of inspiration and jaw-dropping talent. Walking around in there is a feast for the senses. There are freshly baked goodies everywhere, live music, and so much to look at that I always find myself flustered with excitement! There are lots of local artists but also a lot from around the rest of Australia. Everything is hand made, completely original and very beautiful. I didn't want to miss a thing!

Some gorgeous ceramics. I'll have one of everything, thank you!! Look at those spotty kettles... simply deeeelightful

(psst... The freshly squeezed juice from this stall 'Juice Junkies' was fabulous.)

even the table flowers were incredible!!

The highlight of this already beautiful day was the unexpected meeting of one of my long-time, most incredible inspirations. Her name is Kylie Johnson and to describe how much of an influence her stunning work has had on me as both an artist and a person is almost impossible. Her book 'Count Me the Stars' has been like an unfailing friend in times of private despair. When I saw that her stall was there yesterday, it was hard not to feel more than a little giddy. As I neared the table full of her intricate hand-made delights, and realised she herself was there, I nearly lost all composure! At first I was too nervous to strike up a conversation with her but with the gentle prodding of my dear friend, who knew too well I would regret it, I was able to bring myself to talk to her. In my wildest dreams, I had never imagined I would have the opportunity to meet her in the flesh and so had never practised what I might say in my head.. blurting out 'I love you' and dissolving into tears was probably not quite what I might have had in mind! She was extremely graceful about the whole experience and she is just as fantastic as I knew she would have to be. Not only was she amazing, but she gave me a hugely generous gift that I will truly treasure (in the piccie above). Her kindness blew me away. The journal is next to my bed and I keep looking at it!! Meeting Kylie is something I will never forget and one of those moments where you feel as though you are just zinging with complete joy. 

Once I had steadied myself from the thrill of a delightfully unexpected encounter, I was able to focus on the amazing pieces she had for sale. The cermic tag (above) was something I just had to have, and I bought a gift for someone else as well. Her online store is here and her gorgeous books can also be found in most good bookshops. Kylie's personal blog  is most definitely one worth swooning over for an hour.. or 2... have a little peek?
I hope you had a weekend with unexpected pleasures that you can carry with you for the week ahead.
xx Jessie